Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, I was further along that I thought on this 2.0 stuff. I had looked at Week 7, but not blogged yet, and I just reviewed some of the Wiki stuff now. Obviously, there are certain areas where this has great potential -- especially when we're trying to collaborate on something system-wide. I have nightmares, of course, about areas where it would not be beneficial (like my Circ Manual -- I can just imagine the fun staff would have if I let them get their "hands" on it (ha ha). . .

But in developing training programs, in creating lists or informational sites (such as the young lady who developed the Wiki for a conference so that others with more knowledge about Chicago could add pertinent info to it). . .those are great ideas!

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Oh, come on imagine the Circ Manual as a wiki -- I love it! Talk about empowerment!!